About Us
The Beginning and Today
Spear’s Vegetable Farm is a five generation family farm operation that provides fresh fruits and vegetables daily to consumers in mid-coast Maine.
We have been growing vegetables for the fresh market since the mid 1980’s, when the boys began selling sweet corn on a card table under the maple tree.
We operate over 600 acres of farm land which includes 120 acres of corn silage, over 250 acres of mixed vegetables, including sweet corn, beans, winter squash, pumpkins and cut flowers.
All of our tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, peppers, onions, eggplant and lettuces are started from seed each year in the middle of February and eventually transplanted outside or to one of our 15 hoop houses on the farm.
Our Grandson, Kyle, assumed the role of starting all the seedlings after he graduated from college. We are delighted having the younger generation working with us who does not hesitate to explore new techniques and ideas.
Granddaughter, Eliza, works in the fields driving any tractor, no matter what size. She plows, harrows, rakes hay and stacks many bails on the wagons. She isn't afraid of anything the "guys do on the farm.
In 2009 we made a business decision to sell our milking herd and concentrate on vegetables, raising 60 beef animals and utilize our free stall barn to board 150 cattle for other farmers.
We grow all of our forages for the animals. Our goal is for our family farm, the backbone of our country's heritage, to thrive and survive for future generations.

Our History
Spear Farm began in 1933 when our grandfather and grandmother, Wallace and Maude, their son Herbert and daughter Helen moved from Rockland to Nobleboro. It was during the depression and out of necessity they decided to move to the country to “live off the land”. The farm started with one cow, one horse and a few chickens. As time progressed into the 1940’s a new barn was built that housed approximately 60 cows and a new hen house that held 2000 birds.
Herbert married Edna, a neighborhood gal, had four children and the family farm began to emerge. In 1965 Herbert’s son, Bob, graduated from college and came back to join the farm operation. Soon after our farm became an official cooperation, Spear Farm’s Inc. and in 1969 a new 160’ x 60’ free stall barn was constructed for 120 cows along with a milking parlor.
In 1975 Herbert passed away and another son, Richard came back to join Robert on the farm. Our herd increased to approximately 120 milking cows in the early 1980’s and at about that same time we started selling a few vegetables along with sweet corn. Since that time our cow herd remained about the same, but we have increased the vegetable production each year.
In 1992 Robert’s two sons, Terry and Jeff came back to become part of the operation. Since that point in time we have gone from 1 acre of market vegetables to over 300 acres today. We have two major retail stands and attend Farmer’s Markets three days per week to market some of our products. We also have a large wholesale market for the remaining supply.
Today, between the beef and vegetable operation, we farm over 600 acres. It is truly a family operation that takes pride in producing quality products. Our goal is for the family farm, the backbone of our country's heritage, to thrive and survive for future generations”.