Our Farm Stand Locations
Waldoboro Farm Stand
Hours Mon - Sat 9 - 5
More Product every day!!!
Fresh Muffins, and
Sweet Breads Baked Daily
Freezer full of
Our All Natural Beef Raised on our Farm
The "Big Red Barn" on U S Rte. 1 in Waldoboro - shelves are full of
Fruits and Vegetables in Season, Spear's All Natural Beef, Pork, Chicken & Turkey products
Fresh baked breads, muffins and pies daily. Jams and Jellies, Pickles, Maple Syrups plus more....
Nobleboro Farm Stand
YES we are now Open!!
Tues - Sat 9 - 5
We have expanded the Nobleboro Stand...
Come visit and see
what is inside!!!
67 Center Street, Nobleboro next to the Transfer Station.
Open June thru October
Farmer's Markets
Brunswick Farmers Mkt
Down Town Mall Tues & Fri 8:30 - 2:00
Saturday 8 am to 12:30 at
Crystal Springs on Pleasant Hill Rd.